How do I track my order?
Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email with a link to track your order, you can use this link to track your parcels journey.
How can I complete a return?
If you need to return your item(s), you have 14 days to return. More information can be found in refund & returns section: www.collect92.co.uk/refundpolicy
How much does shipping cost?
Orders to UK Mainland addresses - £3.95 per order.
Orders within the UK are sent via Royal Mail Tracked 48, and usually arrive within 48 hours of shipping.
Larger Orders :
Shipping Cost £5.35, and usually arrive within 48 hours of shipping.
FREE Delivery orders over £50
Do you ship outside the UK?
No. We offer UK delivery only on our products.
How soon will you dispatch my order?
Orders are processed as soon as possible and usually within 48 hours (Monday -Friday). In exceptional cases, due to busy period or other reasons, order processing may take longer but every effort will be made to complete and despatch your order promptly.
What country are you based in?
We are based in the UK. We are a registered UK company and pay UK taxes.
How do I cancel my order?
If you would like to cancel your order, please email info@collect92.co.uk

Depending on where we've got to with processing your order, we might not be able to cancel your order. If we are not able to cancel your order, as they have already been processed then you can return your order straight back to us for o full refund.

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